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340 km
4 heures 45 minutes
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Située au pied de falaises spectaculaires, on connaît Kalambáka pour être la porte d'entrée des Météores. Mais c'est aussi une ville animée avec un passé profond. De son ancienne église de la Dormition de la Vierge à ses accueillantes tavernes grecques, elle offre un mélange parfait d'histoire, de culture locale et de paysages époustouflants. N'hésitez pas à vous y arrêter pour y déjeuner (non inclus dans le prix de l'excursion) avant de commencer votre exploration des Météores.
6 attractions
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Visitez les six monastères du Grand Météore, de Varlaam, de Saint-Nicolas Anapausas, de Roussanou, de Saint-Étienne et de la Sainte-Trinité, tous construits au XIVᵉ siècle. Vous pourrez découvrir trois d'entre eux de l'intérieur, puis admirer leur architecture et leur situation étonnante sur des piliers rocheux.
1. Le monastère du Grand Météore
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Built in the early 1300s, the Great Meteoron Monastery is the largest and oldest of Meteora’s monasteries. It’s filled with stunning frescoes and has the largest collection of ancient manuscripts in Meteora. The sweeping views from its high cliffs make the climb absolutely worth it.
2. Monastère de Varlaam
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While the site was first inhabited by a monk named Varlaam in the 14th century, the monastery was built by two monk brothers in the 16th century. Its chapel, covered in vivid frescoes, and its distinctive arched windows make it an unforgettable spot.
3. Monastère de Saint-Nicolas Anapausas
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St. Nicholas Anapausas Monastery may be the smallest in Meteora, but it’s packed with history. Its compact structure fits perfectly onto a narrow rock pillar, and inside, you’ll find stunning 16th-century frescoes by renowned Cretan painter Theophanes Strelitzas.
4. Monastère de Roussanou
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The Monastery of Rousanos looks like it was carved out of the rocky cliff itself. It is at a lower elevation compared to the other Meteora monasteries, but this doesn't detract from its beauty or the views from its windows. Originally built in the 16th century, today, it’s run by a group of nuns.
5. Monastère Saint-Étienne
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St. Stephen’s Monastery is a place of quiet beauty, perched on the edge of a rocky plateau. Its richly decorated church glows with candlelight, while its balconies offer dramatic views of the Valley of Thessaly, the Pinios river, and the rugged mountains beyond.
6. Monastère de la Sainte Trinité
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Of all the Meteora monasteries, the Monastery of Holy Trinity is the most photographed, which is why it was featured in the 1981 James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. The hike up is challenging but the most dramatic views from its sheer rock pillar make the trek completely worth it.
Grottes des Ermites de Badovas
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Bien avant les grands monastères des Météores, des ermites vivaient dans les grottes de Badovas, creusant de minuscules habitations dans la roche. Aujourd'hui, vous pouvez encore voir les vestiges de balcons en bois accrochés aux murs de la falaise.
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Retour à Kalambáka pour entamer le trajet retour vers Athènes.
340 km
4 heures 45 minutes
Gare de Larissa, Athènes
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Platia Aristotelous
Votre point de rencontre désigné est la Platia Aristotelous, en face de la statue de Venizelos.
230 km
3 heures
6 attractions
Entrée gratuite
Visitez les six principaux monastères des Météores : Grand Météoron, Varlaam, Saint-Nicolas Anapausas, Rousanou, Saint-Étienne et Sainte-Trinité. Vous pourrez découvrir de l'intérieur deux de ces monastères du XIVe siècle.
1. Le monastère du Grand Météoron
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Stepping into the Great Meteoron Monastery is like stepping back in time. Built in the 1300s, it’s filled with intricate frescoes, old relics, and a quiet sense of wonder—plus, the view from the top is nothing short of incredible.
2. Monastère de Varlaam
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Tucked high among Meteora’s towering rock pillars, Varlaam Monastery, built by two monk brothers in the 16th century, feels like a hidden world. Monks once hoisted supplies up by rope, but today, you can walk its stone pathways, admire its stunning frescoes, and soak in the sweeping views.
3. Monastère de Saint-Nicolas Anapausas
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St. Nicholas Anapausas may be the smallest monastery in Meteora, but it holds remarkable history. Built on a narrow rock pillar, it features breathtaking 16th-century frescoes by Theophanes Strelitzas, making it a hidden masterpiece waiting to be discovered.
4. Monastère de Rousanos
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Founded in the 16th century, Rousanos Monastery appears to grow out of the rock itself, blending seamlessly with Meteora’s dramatic cliffs. Today, it is a convent for nuns who take care of its beautiful frescoes, while its peaceful courtyards offer spectacular views of the valley below.
5. Monastère de Saint-Étienne
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With its welcoming atmosphere and dramatic views of the surrounding countryside, St. Stephen’s Monastery is one of Meteora’s most visited sites. Its chapel, filled with delicate frescoes, is taken care of by the nuns who live here, while its stone terraces provide a perfect spot to take in the scenery.
6. Monastère de la Sainte-Trinité
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Holy Trinity Monastery feels like it’s floating above the world. Built in the 15th century, its dramatic setting was the location where the 1981 James Bond film For Your Eyes Only was filmed. With its beautiful frescoes, a quiet chapel, and panoramic views, it is remote and peaceful, making the challenging hike up completely worth it.
Entrée gratuite
Située au pied des piliers et des falaises géantes des Météores, la ville de Kalabaka est le point de départ idéal pour explorer la région. Vous y trouverez une hospitalité chaleureuse, des tavernes grecques traditionnelles et une histoire riche qui remonte à plusieurs siècles. Détendez-vous ici tout en savourant votre déjeuner (non inclus dans le prix de la visite) avant de reprendre la route vers Thessalonique.
230 km
3 heures
Platia Aristotelous
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